Welcome to pyvid's documentation! ================================= .. toctree:: :titlesonly: Pyvid is a package that shrinks video files using defaults on ffmpeg to get high quality and low file size. Works best on 1080p videos. Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - `install `_ ffmpeg with libx264 or libx265 support and make sure the executable is in $PATH Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install as global executable:: $ pip install --user pyvid check installation:: $ pyvid --version pyvid, version 0.1.1 Usage ^^^^^ The most basic usage is as follows:: $ pyvid PATH where PATH is a file or directory. If PATH is a directory, it will look for video files. Converted videos are placed in a `converted/` subfolder. The following:: $ pyvid files -e ext1,ext2 will convert all `.ext1` and `.ext2` files in directory `files/` to output directory `files/converted/`. .. click:: pyvid:main :prog: pyvid :show-nested: Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`